Saturday, August 26, 2006

Abusing Freedom of speech

lgf: "Death to Israel" in Salt Lake City Someone in Salt Lake City has filed for a permit to stage a demonstration that will call for "Death to Israel". This kind of demonstration is not one that should be considered as an exercise of free speech. Its intention is to incite the demonstrators to do violence against Jews in Salt Lake City and elsewhere. There is a need for a responsible exercise of free speech. If the demonstration was simply to protest over the war against Hizbollah then it is not trampling the rights of others to survive. However, by naming the demonstration "death to Israel", the permit should not be granted on the grounds that it is denying the existence and freedoms of others. The right to freedom of speech is a two way street. It means that we have the right to speak out against the wrongs that we see around us. It does not mean that we have the right to incite others to do violence against other members of the USA population. It is time for the bleeding heart liberals to put up and shut up. It is time that this kind of attempt to trample the rights of others was refused and the initiator charged with a treasonable offence.

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