Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hezbollah shooting from between our houses

The Big Pharaoh � Christian Infidels: Hezbollah shooting from between our houses The Big Pharoah points out that the Christians in the village of Ainebel are the meat in the sandwich for Hezbollah and Israel. The Hezbollah thugs have moved their rocket launchers into the village and they have continued raining the rockets down on Israel. In response, the Israelis have come to the village in order to destroy the rocket launchers. This action by Hezbollah is in direct contravention of the Geneva Protocols regarding the conduct of war, especially in regard to placing miliatry equipment in the midst of a civilian population. Hezbollah have deliberately entered a Christian village in full knowledge that there actions will bring death to the villagers. What do they care anyway, since these are but Christian Infidel who deserve to die like the dogs in Israel.

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